Whitepaper: The Status of Programmatic Trading in CEEMEA


Tailwind, parte a Thinkdigital Group, a publicat pe finalul anului trecut The Status of Programmatic Trading in CEEMEA. Documentul conține rezultatele unui studiu desfășurat în perioada iulie – septembrie 2015 prin intermediul unui chestionar la care au răspuns 186 de persoane, majoritatea deținând funcții de decizie în cadrul companiilor pe care le reprezintă.

The survey has been conducted within a 3 month period, from July 2015 to September 2015 , with the use of Online Questionnaires. The research objective was to capture the current status of Programmatic Trading by recording the strategic view of key market players across South Eastern, Central Eastern (excl. Russia) Europe & MENA.

A representative sample of stakeholders from both buyers and sellers, was asked to provide their valuable feedback by completing a 30-question survey covering topics such as: Adoption and Main Challenges, Opportunities and Key Market Trends, within the Programmatic Digital Ecosystem.

In total, 186 responses were recorded providing data on the status of Digital Advertising & Programmatic Trading in the region.The majority of the participants asked were senior executives from highly respective Brands, Media Agencies, Trading Desks, Publishers &, Sales Houses across the region such as: Ringer, Adaptive Media, Antenna TV, AdinTop, DMS, OMD, Carat, Mindshare, MEC, Cadreon, Unilever, Samsung, Mazda etc.

The Status of Programmatic Trading in CEEMEA poate fi descărcat gratuit, în format .pdf, de aici.

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Infografic: Project Agora a împlinit un an!

Tailwind, companie parte a Thinkdigital Group, sărbătorește primul an de la lansarea Project Agora, cel mai mare marketplace de publicitate pentru publisherii din Europa Centrală și de Est și Estul Mijlociu.

Nu vă rețin cu detalii, le găsiți în infograficul de mai jos, însă, pentru cei care nu știu încă, vă semnalez MAGIC In-Article video, un format de publicitate nou, lansat de curând de colegii mei în Grecia și România.

La mulți ani! 🙂

Programmatic în Europa, 60% în 2019

Dacă tot am schimbat jobul… 🙂

Programmatic mechanisms are set to generate 29% of display ad revenues in Europe by end of 2015. This includes all devices from desktop to mobile and both banner and video ad formats. IHS forecasts that by 2019, the majority of all advertising revenue in Europe (59%) will be generated using programmatic mechanisms.

– de aici – IHS, with the support of IAB Europe – Nov 2015

Rezultatele primului sondaj privind statusul Programmatic Trading in Europa Centrala si de Sud-Est, Orientul Mijlociu si Africa

TailWind, compania specializata in Programmatic Trading si solutii Ad-Tech a TDG, a anuntat rezultatele primului sondaj privind statusul Programmatic Trading in Europa Centrala si de Sud-Est, Orientul Mijlociu si Africa.

Cercetarea, realizata impreuna cu AppNexus, surprinde nivelul de intelegere si adoptie a Programmatic Trading analizand atat cererea cat si oferta, din perspectiva Publisherilor, Agentiilor de Media si Advertiserilor / Clientilor.

Cine a participat, mai exact, la studiu?

The survey was conducted jointly by TailWind & AppNexus in May 2014 through Online Questionnaires. Our objec- tive was to capture the level of understanding and adoption of Programmatic Trading on both the demand and the supply side. Therefore, we sought feedback from senior and highly respected representatives of Brands, Publishers, Media Buyers, Sales Houses and Advertising Agencies from across MEA, CEE (Russia excluded) & SE Europe.

In total, we received 212 responses on our multiple choice questions about Digital Advertising & Programmatic Trading. Among the participants were senior execs from premium publishers, advertisers and agencies including Accuen, Adaptive Media, Addictivemobility, Antenna TV, Attica Media, Carat, DDB, DOL, Globul, Fastbridge, Havas Digital, IAS Media, Kanal D, Lowe, Markavip, Media Direction, Mega TV, Mindshare, Nestle, RBBi, Realitatea, Sam- sung, Star, Starlink, Unilever, United Media, Vivaki and ZenithOptimedia.

Then, we were able to compare part of this information with the equivalent findings from AppNexus’ May 2014 report run jointly with Warc & IAB in Western Europe.

Raportul are 17 pagini si se poate descarca de pe tailwindemea.net.