In consecinta s-a aprobat sa intrati in posesia sumei de 415.810 euro…

Credeti ca mai prind lottery-scam-urile? Desi nu am mai primit de mult timp unul in limba engleza, am observat in ultimele luni faptul ca s-au inmultit cele in limba romana.

Nu am auzit insa de niciun roman care sa declare ca a fost inselat…

NR. DE REF.: ROEUSP7775553
NR. DE CERERE: X–8007891324–Z,


Ne face placere sa va instintam de aparitia loteriei E LOTTO , un program international care are loc in Madrid, Spania pe data de 2 august 2009 cu scopul de a incuraja folosirea internetului. E-mail-ul dumneavoastra care corespunde numarului de tichet 357-0146-744-224 cu numarul de serie 51128-07 a castigat numarul norocos 02-07-14-25-44+02-04 care a castigat loteria de categoria a treia.

In consecinta s-a aprobat sa intrati in posesia sumei de Ђ 415.810.00 ( PATRU SUTE CINSPREZECE MII OPT SUTE ZECE EURO) cash, fiind inregistrat cu NR. DE REFERINTA : ROEUSP7775553 SI NR. DE CERERE X-80078913224-Z.

Modul inmanarii acestei sumi se poate alege dintre urmatoarele optiuni: (A) C.E.C (B) TRANSFER BANCAR (C) INMANARE PERSONALA.

Suma dumneavoastra este depozitata la o banca spaniola fiind asegurata cu e-mailul dumneavoastra din motive de securitate si va va fi inmanata din hotararea Consiliului Loteriei dupa ce se vor verifica toate datele.

Va cerem sa tineti in secret acest premiu si sa nu il faceti cunoscut in mod public pana cand va va fi inmanat, deoarece face parte din politica de securitate a consiliului loteriei pentru a se evita cererea de catre o alta persoana.Toti participantii au fost selectati la intamplare prin intermediul unui program computerizat.

Pentru a se putea procesa inmanarea premiului loteriei , va rugam contactati agentul dumneavoastra Dna. SRN ANABEL CARLOS managerul de externe al bancii Bancaixa, la TEL. 00 34.634.154.581 sau e-mail si sa ii facilitati nr. de referinta si cerere.

Beneficiarul este responsabil de orice fel de cheltuieli de inmanarea a premiului in tara ei/lui.

FELICITARI inca o data din partea tuturor membrilor personalului pentru ca faceti parte din acest program international de loterie.


Later edit:

93 thoughts on “In consecinta s-a aprobat sa intrati in posesia sumei de 415.810 euro…

  1. trimite le frate banii mai rpd si o sa fi mai sarac cu 450 euro!!!!cine ti da bani daca nici macar nu ai jucat?chiar ne a luat criza prizonieri?chiar avem ciunga n par?


  2. sau dc nu te gandesti ca pot sa si opreasca acesti bani pretinsi din castig,nu?dc sa mai faci tu un efort cand castigul e la ei?sa ti puna restul in cont si gata…..


  3. A dat norocul peste mine .Nu ma gandeam vreodata sa castig atatia bani de la LOTERIA SPANIA MADRID fara sa joc la lota .norocul cu Internetul mailul meu a isit castigator si am Incasat suma de 475.000 00 patru sute saptezeci si cnci mi de euro .Acum o sa modernizez firma pe care o administrez asa cum Imi place si o suma foarte mare o sa fie donata copiilor saraci .tel 0742833942 viorel


    • Nu va luati dupa Dovlete viorel.E un escroc tot de-ai lor care cauta sa ne convinga sa platim taxa de curierat si apoi sa tot asteptam in zadar sa treaca cele 8 zile sa vina leptopul si banii…
      Mi-e scarba de pacalici ca el!
      Huuuuuuooooooooooo!Naiba sa va ia de javre!


      • daca eu sunt escroc atunci tu esti un ptost nu sti sa te descurci da norocul peste tine si dai ca boooou cu picioru ,daca ai fi mai civilizat; ai avea de castigat


      • Domnule dovlete viorel daca te cheama asa, cum poti justifica mai omule ca ai primit banii ca e la mintea cocosului ca toti cei care au primit asa ceva si au trimis bani pt comision AU LUAT TEAPA…
        Sa fii tu singurul dintr-o suta stiuti care sa iei banii?Daca e asa trimite-mi si mie banii pt ca sa-mi platesc comisionul ca atunci cand ii voi ridica pe toti ti-i dau inapoi si cu dobanda de 15 la suta la euro, dobanda pe care piata nu ti-o da.
        sau daca ai ceva cu mine si nu vrei sama imprumuti tocmai pe mine, imprumuta-i pe toti care au primit asa ceva ca ai face o afacere daca e adevarat.
        Daca te prinzi sa faci asta atunci te cred si eu si te crede toata lumea.
        In fond n-ai cheltui decat 700 euro de presoana inmultit cu 20 (ca sa spunem ca pe atatia ai contracta in prima faza) nu ai pierde decat 14 000 E.Ce ar insemna asta pe langa cei patru sute de mii si ceva pe care zici ca i-ai incasat?Dar tu zici ca nu-i pierzi asa ca inmulteste 14 mii cu 15 la suta si vezi cam cat ai castiga…HAI, MAI ZICI CEVA?..HAI SA TE VAD!


  4. viorele tata,daca incasai banii aia uitai si parola de mess,de scris pe site nici nu mai vb,asa ca uitate mai bn frate ca n avem ciunga n par……….


  5. Eu nu cred o iota din ce scrie Dovlete Viorel pt. ca le-am dat un imail si le-am spus ca ma duc personal la banca respectiva sa vad daca exista asa ceva si de atunci nu am mai primit nimic dovada ca nu exista asa ceva iar acel Viorel cred ca face parte din clanul celor care vor sa pacaleasca lumea,cel putin sa fie mai destepti si sa puna nr. diferite nu aceleasi nr. la toata lumea.ESTE O MARE TEAPA iar cine nu are ce face cu banii sa le trimita comisionul ca sa le umple conturile unor excroci.


  6. sunt dispus sa va patesc eu la 5 dintre voi taxa de trimitere a banilor cu conditia sa primesc ,Inmultit cu 7 suma care o platesc , va pun eu bani de aici de la severin sunatina dupa ora 11 ca nu ma scol mai devreme nene ca practic nu am pentru ce sa mai muncesc ,casa mare si frumoasa am masina de lux am bani am castigat la euromilion 475.000.00 ,va temeti atata de 500 euro ,ati ramas pe bani astia nu mai aveti cum face rost de alti ,Pai nene daca nu riscati de unde vreti sa castigati,puneti mintea la contributie dragi romanasi ca suntem o tara libera si Democrata ,inventati si voi ceva ,nu asteptati sa va pice din cer ,pai daca ati primit mesaj ca ati castigat Inseamna ca asa ete ,cine ar prostul ala sa minta In halul asta te toata Dovlete el telefonu 0742833942


    • Mai Viorele,vreau sa te intreb si eu un lucru,la cati bani ai luat de la loteria spaniola chiar te mai intereseaza un amarat de comision de la 5 oameni?hai sa ti spun eu cum sta treaba,tu vb ca se uita oamenii aia la 500 de euro banii de comision,nu?hai sa te uimesc boss,din ceea ce scrii tu aici nu ai nici macar un scuter daramite masina de lux,si locuiesti cu parintii fratele meu,asta asa sa iesi din transa si sa nu mai faci valuri cu suma aia ca daca o incasai faceai infarct si azi nu mai scriai aici,intelegi?si stii ce mai cred?sigur nu ai vazut gramada 1000 de euro in mana niciodata.


  7. E vrajeala nu dati atentie acestor chestii mai ales celor Spam de pe e- mail. Eu am primit de la Western Union Nigeria ca am castigat 50.000 de usd dar trebuie sa platesc 150 usd pentru MTCN ca sa pot primi bani ignora-tii, asemanea sume ademenitoare nu va da nimeni mai ales acum pe timp de criza verificati inainte sa faceti un pas gresit


  8. am primit si eu un astfel de mail de la loteria board Espana acum ceva timp dar nu i-am dat atentie,desi suna tentant:)) unde mai pui ca la sender scria “european union” cu majuscule. am castigat 815,810.00 lire :>:)) iar azi am primit un mail de la Linda Arah,fiica raposatului “Mrs Arah” care a primit o mostenire de 4.5 milioane de dolari pe care generos,vrea sa ii imparta cu mine…ce am de facut? sa platesc niste taxe(nu a specificat ce suma) sa ii asigur un cont bancar valabil in care sa depuna fabuloasa suma,sa ii fiu un fel de tutore pt ca ea are doar 22 de ani(eu 19),sa ii aranjez sosirea in romania pt a-si termina studiile aici,sa ii obtin cetatenie romana si cam atat.simplu,nu?o sa ii raspund,inca nu stiu ce o sa ii scriu,dar vreau sa vad pana unde ii ajunge nesimtirea…imi da si mie putin dupa atata efort,nu?in final m-a si binecuvantat! ;;)


  9. apropos…fata nu stiu ce viseaza despre Ivory coast etc…dar vad ca are adresa de email de italia..mai exact si italienii vor sa ne imbgateasca…pt cei care inca nu s-au convins ca sunt niste tepe cat ei de mari,ganditi logic,sute de romani au primit astfel de mailuri,daca primeau toti cate 500.000,1.000.000 de dolari sau chiar mai mult,cum “am castigat” eu 800.000 de lire…adica un milion si ceva de euro…pai nu mai era romania in N romani care au mailuri doar pt ca au id de messenger si nu isi verifica mailul… ar fi ajuns zeci de milioane de euro in romania,sa fim seriosi…


  10. si mi-a si raspuns..:)) cu un mail kilometric in doar 2 minute dupa ce i-am raspuns eu cu un mail in care i-a zis doar ca o sa o ajut si am intrebat-o ce este de facut acum.
    Dearest One,

    Greeting to you and thank you for your mail. I received and read your email with my heart full of joy to know that you can help me retrieve and transfer my inheritance fund out of this country to your own country where It can be safe for me but please I want you to remember that I told you in my first mail I sent to you that the money is the security company where my late father deposited the fund as our family valuable/treasure before he died but nobody in the security company knows that what contains inside the box before my late father deposited it as our family valuable is money is only me and you and my late father who deposited the fund as our family valuable with my name as his next of kin to the box knows that what contains inside the box is money so please I really want you to be my guardian and help me transfer my inherited fund to your country where it can be safe for me so that I can come over and stay with you in your country once you receive the fund on my behalf because my life is in danger here in my country in the hands of my wicked uncle who killed my father and now chasing after me to kill me since after my fathers death so that he can take advantage to deny me everything my late father left for me before he died.

    I want you please to consider my condition here and help me bring my inheritance fund out of the security company and transfer to your country so that i can relocate to your country where I can be safe again to stay with you and continue with my education again because I am not safe staying here in this country since I did not have any parent again and because of my present condition which my wicked uncle is chasing after me to kill me as he killed my father because he want to take away everything my father left for me.

    Right now I am staying in a guest house because of my wicked uncle who is threaten me to kill me in my own fathers house because i refuse to give him the document of this only fund my late father deposited for me after he has taking everything my father get away from me so for this I ran away from my fathers house in my village called Bassam to the City called Abidjan economlical capital of Cote D’Ivoire to leave in a Guesthouse where I am staying now for my safety and for my uncle not to see me for the safety of my life with the whole documents the security company issued to my late father on the day he made the deposit of this inherited fund which I introduced to you that contains in the metal box before he deposited it in the custody of security company here in my country and I will release the document to you in my next email.

    Please I want to inform you to know that this transaction which I have introduced to you is of mutual benefit to the both of us as well as the benefit of the less privileged in our societies. Though I contacted you through this medium being the only means I have to meet people abroad because of the urgent need of moving this fund abroad, and I plead you to consider my situation here and come to an urgent assistance because I am really facing a total rejection here and I do not have any relative here and in your country, it’s only by the grace of God that I was able to get your contact after several fasting and praying and it seems that my sorrow increases as days goes by here that is why I desperately need your urgent help to transfer this fund into a foreign account and leave this country for a better life over there in your country.

    But I must tell you my dear that I really need your urgent assistance only if you can be honest and sincere to help me out in this transaction because I can not afford to lose this my only fund which I want to invest with you in your country! Though, you sounded very honest and sincere to me in your email received and this also has given me the willingness to give you the details and information concerning this deposit and my self once I hear from you so as to proceed urgently to recover this contact the Deposit Firm and arrange for the transfer of the fund to you abroad, and I will travel to meet you in your country.

    I have planed moving this fund to safety abroad after the death of my father, but find it difficult as I knows nobody abroad who I can trust and who can be honest and sincere to me; though before I proceed to go further with the transfer of this fund to the foreign someone as my Guardian, I will like to have the complete information about the person, and know much about him as someone doing business with and who will receive this fund abroad on my behalf. The information will help me to locate the person when the fund has been transferred to the person.

    Please if are interested to help me and we have to proceed immediately with this matter as it requires an urgent attention, I will need the following information from you:

    1, your complete name
    2, your full address
    3, Your Photo
    4, Telephone number

    I will also need to know much about you and your business for security reasons. Once I receive this information from you, you will now proceed to contact the Deposit Firm on my behalf to arrange for the immediate transfer of the fund to you.

    Meanwhile, I am including my complete information and my pictures as below:

    Name: Miss Linda Arah.
    Date of Birth: 18 June. 1987
    Age: 22yrs
    Address: 18 Avenue Joseph Anoma, 01 BP 2256 Abidjan 01.
    City: Abidjan
    Country: Cote d’Ivoire.
    Tel;/: 00225 09806755 00225 09806755

    I want you please to call me if possible now and I will wait to have your complete information and photo so that we will proceed immediately to contact the Deposit Firm for transfer of the money to you as my Guardian abroad.

    In my next email I will email you the deposit certificate and also inform you about my condition here which enabled me to start looking for someone to assist me receive this money abroad and urgently also give you the security company contact information for you to contact them immediately on my behalf. Thank you and God bless.

    I will be waiting to hear from you.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Miss Linda Arah.


  11. am mai descoperit ceva…primul mail l-am primit de pe adresa de mail cand am dat reply am fost redirectionata sau nu stiu ce s-a intamplat la adresa de mail pe care am dat-o si mai sus iar apoi mi-a raspuns dupa alt mail, mi-a pus si o poza draguta de ea…e simpatica tipa,cine stie cine o e neagra…i-am zis ca m-a dezamagit,ca am aflat ca este o frauda,sa vad daca incearca sa imi schimbe parerea sau e un robotel care trimite mailuri…


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